Friday, 16 September 2016

The squirrel and the hawk

We shared these stories with the seniors today before we brought them home to share with our families.

Reflecting on symmetry

Ask us about our messy maths today. Then you can come and see our work!

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Adventurers get creative

Adventurers get creative - click on this link to view our video of our amazing day with Mrs Boys at CSC

Major art day!

What a wow morning we have had at CSC!! Look out for our exhibition next week of all the exciting artworks  we made. A big thanks goes out to Benson's mum for organising such an amazing art experience!! The black hands and faces coming home tonight are evidence of just what a wonderful art adventure we have had. :)

Monday, 5 September 2016

Farm Safety

What a lot of good ways to stay safe on the farm:
Wearing a helmet
Not wandering off
Keeping away from moving machinery 
Bending knees to protect your back
Washing hands to avoid bugs

Stand and deliver!

Well done Tegan, Joel, Tara, Paige, Ellie, Benson, Ryan, Finlay, Keegan, Markus, Jared, Bella, Kade, Lior, Drew, Amelia and Tom for over coming your nerves and presenting your speeches to Room 1 and 2.