Monday, 22 February 2016

Our ladder of adventures!

What a lot of amazing ideas for lots of amazing adventures we could have as a class, as a family or just as a personal goal. Thanks Adventurers for such awesome homework sharing this morning. 


  1. Sounds like a fun year ahead Adventurers! We look forward to finding out 'the places you'll go' in 2016... :)
    Christina Vaughan

  2. I am looking forward to coming in and reading about the adventures you have planned on your ladder. See you soon!

  3. I hope you plan to invite other adventurers to come along on some, if not all, of your adventures?!
    I wonder ... How many of these could be done in school time and how many will be done with your families?

  4. Oh, see you tomorrow to read all about your adventures... Can't wait!
